Introduction - I apologize for being delinquent in keeping my blog up to date, particularly with different trips through out the weeks -- Hawaii and Houston. As my life is unsettled, just with the house remodel, the computer, my laptop, etc. that have yet to be organized, I don't find routine in writing and structure during my day. As I look towards the New Year, it's one of those things that I hope to fine better routine. Also, coming away from a 35-year work life structure where the computer was largely my 40-hour work week, I've had a strange aversion to the computer as a familiar companion....strange, yet to be explored! Anyway, on with the events of my life over the past several weeks!
Hawaii - Maui -
My primary image of this time is of intense green, sunlight, warm, breezy air and a few birds making their distinctive calls. My settled routine was to take a 2-mile morning "boardwalk" of concrete sidewalk or slate that ran along between the ocean and beaches and the hotels. The Sheraton was on one end where we were staying and the Hyatt(?) was on the other end. Many people shared this morning walk, run, or lollygag. This was commercialized yet one couldn't help enjoy the green lawns, lounging, people getting their lessons for surfing and watching the neophytes out there in the waves awaiting for their first jump up on the board. One fine morning while Molly and Maddy were off to yoga, Colin and I made the jaunt. As we approached the end, a canoe kiosk guy remarked to his compatriot that there was a pod of whales out to sea. Sure enough, we could see a circle of black dots out there on the sea landscape. Quite exciting since the return of the whales was just beginning.

Most of our 6-party routines involved morning exercise outings. We then diverted to our particular preferences: sunning on the beach, sunning by the pool, or finding more shade....all having that favorite reading material. I read Molowaki (?) which was a local historical novel about the leprocy colony settled on a near by island in the late 1800's/early 1900's. I'm more of a not direct sun person so I often opted for the room balcony with some shade, still taking in the sun and intense green of lawn and palm trees.
The excitement of staying in this commercialized local was the buzz of the basketball teams gathered for the Maui Basketball Classic. The Kentucky fans were the big majority, but Michigan State came in a close second...people wearing their blue or green gear. We went to the 3 MSU games and for the second two games, drove to the stadium so that we could be assured seats in the MSU section by the basket. They were intense, lively games, and yes, I did have to close my eyes in the last few seconds. Why couldn't they be in control??
I felt like I got a way from "IT"; being a person in constant struggle with cancer with people worrying over me. It was a wonderful reprieve to be normal for awhile. I love being around my kids and husband who make it easy to be so.
For Thanksgiving, we found a take-out pantry along the beach and got the full turkey dinner, dressing, potates, and pumpkin pie. We were going to take it out to a picnic on the beach, but for the last couple of days, the tradewinds blew so hard, it was uncomfortable. So we had our deck set-up and it was delightful and intimate amongst the six of us. Other events while there -- we went to the aquarium which was amazing in seeing the diversity of fish and ocean life. John and I experienced a slide key guitar concert featuring native Hawaiian music and the kids found the best sushi place in the world! Also a hight light for the girls was our pedicure/manicure - we were set for the week! and the boys battled the tradewinds for some golf overlooking the ocean.
All in all, a wonderful reprieve from the embattled Montana snowstorm and frigid weather and we didn't want to come home!!
Houston - With a week between Hawaii and Houston, I mainly regrouped, getting ready for the 3rd treatment. Interestingly some of the daily digestive challenges return whether readjusting to the cold or what?
Anyway, the Houston treatment was much the same as the previous two. I didn't have any problem with the heat treatment - it felt good and I felt better afterwards. The second aspect of the trip was to undergo a CAT and PET scan to see the effects of the two previous treatments. Unfortunately, the tests indicated no change in the tumor and in the non-spread of cancer. Of course, we were hoping for more, but also have to take the "no change" as positive as well. Adjustments to the treatment are to take interferon shots weekly (which keep the immune system on alert). I had not been doing those because the insurance company doesn't pay and they are expensive. It was part of the protocol that I hadn't done. So we will institute those in these next weeks.
Missoula - This week I'm back and thinking about Christmas. Family will be home with Molly's parents coming from Minneapolis; Tom and Bonnie from CDA; maybe Janice and family; and Irene. I plan to host Christmas Eve open house with the usual smoked turkey and salad and to see any or all who want to stop by for some cheer. Pat and Molly are hosting Christmas dinner and hopefully, it will be more of a potluck gathering. Plenty of snow to get us out and about!
Featured Friend(s) - Pat, Molly, Colin, and Maddy -
My best friends! It's been wonderful to transition from a parent to a friend and mentoring to one another as we negotiate the changes in the world and our life challenges. I appreciate each of you so much!! You allow me to be me and we continue to enjoy our unique interests together. Thank You!

Blessings to all of you who offer your continued care, prayers and positive thoughts! I think of you and wish you the best of holidays with your loved ones and a grand new year! Love, Kerry
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