Friday, July 30, 2010

Update for July 30, 2010

I've finally gotten around to posting information about my health situation and hope to do so on a weekly basis. I have so appreciated the cards, letter, prayers that you are sending my way - you don't even have to send anything, my thoughts roll to you and I feel the loving energy of support. I appreciate all the friends and family who are in the strong mix, but as well all those whom I didn't know that well or who have become new acquaintances.

In part I'm doing this because I can't keep up with all those are wondering how I am doing. I've sent a few updates out thru the Forest Service Network, but no longer want to burden such mailings with someone who is off in retirement. With those who are interested, you can save the blog as a favorite.

For this post, I thought I'd try to recapture my diagnosis and outlook and briefly mention current therapies and next steps. In further blogs, I will explain those therapies and update on next ventures.

I might have a question for you here and there and appreciate any comments you might have.

Diagnosis and Outlook
In late March, I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer - a large advanced tumor that is not removable because it is wrapped around a major artery. Additional testing was done in Seattle at Virginia Mason to examine the extent of the spread. Thru laparoscopy procedure into the abdomen, it was determined that none of the other organs were compromised at this time, however, malignant cells were found in a wash of the peritoneum. This means that I have peritoneum disease or metasis in the abdomen. This complicates just focusing on the tumor.

According to the oncologists, this puts me in a "control the disease" vs a "cure the disease" state. The Gemzar chemotherapy drug is currently aiming to do this. Fortunately between the 2 CAT scans we have seen no change in the tumor. In the meantime, It's given me time to focus other aspects of my health....what are the stressors to my body? what therapies can stimulate my immune system, my health? what should I be eating? what supplements should I be taking? are there other anti-cancer drugs out there that can complement? How to keep up diet and exercised? How to deal with all the emotional and psychological issues?

So overall there is no prognosis in how much time before things could regress....only that we have to see what my body can respond to and sustain. Here's where prayers and positive thoughts make a difference!

List of Current Therapies (for future discussion)
Conventional -Chemo therapy (3 weeks on 1 week rest)
Weekly Iv's - glutathione and supplements
Buteyko breathing
Modified Citrus Pectin (anti-cancer)
Venus Fly Trap (anti-Cancer)
Boswellia (anti-cancer)
Revereratrol (anti-cancer)
Supplements - pancreatic enzymes, vitamins, adrenal support, immune support
Body Talk
Energy, Psychic Healing
Ozone Therapy
Hart Boot Camp
Wellness Plan
Consultation on stresssors to my system, supplement and food program

Questions, Comments??

One of the things I'm supposed to be doing is watching funny movies, etc. - belly laugh or positive....Do you have some of your old time favorites?