Friday, August 20, 2010


I realize I'm jumping around a bit with my blog. This issue I thought I would catch you up with some of the consultations we've done outside of Missoula because this Sunday, John and I leave for Baltimore for an assessment at Johns Hopkins so next week I'll have more news there. So heading back thru time....

Johns Hopkins - We've been looking for other recommendations by a major cancer center of additional therapies (abeit conventional) in addition to the chemotherapy of Gemzar. Initially, because of a personal contact at MD Anderson, we tried there and found that they don't give second opinions, but if you want to become a patient (go live there), they will take you in. Then John heard thru a friend that a Missoula person with a similar diagnosis as mine (non removable tumor) that they had used this assessment program at Johns Hopkins. This is the Pancreatic Multidisciplinary Clinic where an ocologist, radiologist and other specialists review your case along with 7-8 patients (that we'll meet) for that week. My records have been sent off. On Tuesday, I'll have an addition CT scan, blood work and physical that morning. Then in the afternoon, we'll meet with one of the team to get the interdisciplinary assessment and recommendations.

Dr. Nesreen Medina, ND - Three weeks ago, we traveled to Seattle where I consulted with Dr. Medina about possible stressors to my body along with recommendations/validation of the supplements I'm taking and foods that work for me. She performs a method of kinesiology called Autonomic Response Testing (ART) to provide an energetic impression of my response to various stressors including infections, exposures and foods. The results were that heavy metals are stressors (results of amalgams - teeth fillings). I also came away with validation on the supplements that I'm taking and the addition of a few. As for food, the ones for me to avoid are beef, dairy, soy, corn and (boo hoo!) chocolate!! The heavy metal result is not surprising to me since I'd been tested 5-6 years ago and had a high mercury reading. At the time, I went thru a chelation therapy, but was not retested. As I shared this with Amy, she counseled me on "one thing at a time"...that while we can address this, doing chelation therapy requires additional work by my body. Overall, this visit helped me feel more confident and comfortable with my foods and supplements.

Dr. Ralph Moss, Ph.D. - My naturopath, Dr. Amy Haynes, has been my leading researcher and push behind complementary therapies for my disease. There is so much out there, how do you know where to begin? She suggested that we consult with Dr. Moss. Dr. Moss is a featured interview in Suzanne Somers book: Knockout - Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer. He is a highly respected science writer and critic of conventional cancer treatment who has written several books. He continues to be on the forefront in evaluating conventional and alternative treatments. In becoming a client, we received his report which includes background in my type of cancer, evaluations of cancer centers and doctors world-wide that offer non--conventional, complementary therapies and evaluations of various treatments and therapies. Amy, John and I had a teleconference with Dr. Moss in July, and he gave us 5-6 possibilities along with answers to our questions about others. Of those, we are still evaluating 1) a treatment in Germany by a Dr. Lentz; 2) whole body hyperthermia - a clinical trial by a Dr. Joan Bull, University of Texas; 3) the use of Iscador (mistletoe) thru injections - we are doing this one. Amy got the medicine from Germany. Many Europeans are given this complementary treatment but it is not available in the U.S.; and a few others. More to come from our research here.

Virginia Mason - Many will remember our initial trip to Virginia Mason in Seattle. Several contacts had been thru this treatment program. We also got additional information about my cancer thru a laparoscopy procedure. The doctor recommended that I follow their protocol which included some additional, harsher chemo drugs and then come out there after the wedding for the 8-week program. I decided that I wanted more quality of life and the option to pursue other complementary therapies than this stronger, brute force chemo approach.

Featured Friend - The "Forest Service Family" - I've realized through my challenge what strong bonds exist in the organization. Who would have thought that just because we don't live together in a small, rural community and nowadays interact via teleconference, email and video conference that we could develop such caring, heart-felt bonds?

I'd like to thank those of you who have continued to send a post-card, email, card, or note letting me know that you're thinking of me and thanks for sharing a bit of your life. (Please excuse if I miss some)....but thanks to:

Sue Heald, Lois Olsen, Janet Bean Dochnahl, Peri Suenram, Jane Weber, Karen Mollander, Joni Packard, Ann Carlson, Cathy Stewart, Merideth Webster, Gail Swanson, Bev Yelczyn, the Dakota Prairie crew, the Flathead Leadership Team, Paul Bradford and Kootenai National Forest, Bev Young, Janet Kekich, Loretta Chambers, Kathy McAllister, Barb Plattes, Olleke Rappe-Daniels, Sherry Munther, the Timchaks, Sharon Friedman, Lis Novak, Chris Ryan, Chris Tootell, Tom Rhode, Mary Manning, Jolyn Wiggins, Linh Hoang, Beth Hahn, Robin Strathy, Rosa Nygaard, Ann RhysSikora, Janet Grove, Linda Pietarienan

Comments? Please send me courage and prayers on Tuesday. These consultations, particularly conventional, are plunges into a stark, statistical reality and can be very discouraging. Love you all -- Kerry


  1. Hi Kerry,
    This post is a great way to keep up. I have a good feeling about John Hopkins-my thoughts and prayers are with you!

  2. Stay Strong Kerry! I am glad that you are heading to John-Hopkins, it might be more conventional than you would prefer, but perhaps it will offer some help also. We continue to pray for you! Have a safe trip. Love, Genine

  3. Kerry, Chief and I are thinking about you -- he asks about how you are doing, and I keep up through Pam. She shared your blog with me. We will continue to send good positive energy from our nation's capital and keep you close in our thoughts and our prayers. Karla

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Kerry - Been thinking of you all week and hoping they're treating you right back there. I also hope you shared w/them you have many caring friends and family out West, and we want them to have some answers. Alan told me they were celebrating w/Colin last night - I saw Matt McHugh today and he, too, was flyin' high. Sending good energy and prayers your way. Love, Laura
